Resumes and Cover Letters

Need advice on how to write a resume or cover letter? Unfamiliar with today’s top resume formats? Our resume writing articles and webinars have you covered. Get the resume help you need with our expert guidance, tips, and samples.

Group of young professionals smiling for the camera

Learn how to write an effective entry-level resume with examples for specific situations including a new graduate...


professional portfolio draft on laptop

Would you benefit from having a professional portfolio? Read on to learn which candidates should have a portfolio...


Experience spelled out on desk in front of laptop and papers

Wondering how to list old jobs on a resume or whether you should include irrelevant jobs? Find out how to...


Top view of woman in front of laptop surrounded by papers while working on her resume

Learn why every job seeker needs a master resume and find out how iHire’s Portfolio tool can save valuable time by...


Sticky note on desk that says "training and development"

The supplemental sections of your resume – education, training, memberships, licenses – can help you stand out as a...


"Core competencies" written on clipboard

Without the right keywords in your resume, your document may never make it to the HR Manager's desk. In this Resume...


Job seeker writing on notepad titled "Career"

Now that we've covered the introduction, let's discuss how to write the work experience section of a resume – where...


premium webinar

In this Resume Writing 101 lesson, we’ll cover the title and summary section of a resume. Resume titles and...


Professional looking out the window and thinking about using quotes on a resume

Can you use quotes in a resume? The answer might surprise you. Find out more about using quotes on a resume from the...


Web designer's desk filled with ideas, papers, pens, and coffee

Find out how to build a great resume and you’ll learn where you include key content matters more than awesome resume...


One wooden figure standing out among many behind it

Wondering how to list an internal promotion on your resume or how to write a resume with multiple jobs at the same...


job seeker working on his hybrid resume

Is a hybrid resume the most effective resume format for your unique experience and career goals? View our hybrid...


Resume sitting on a desk with a pen and pair of glasses

Learn about the three main resume writing strategies and discover which type of resume would provide the best resume...


Professional working on career change resume

Need to know how to write a resume for a career change? Check out these career change resume examples that use the...


two interviewers holding a long resume staring at a candidate in shock

How long should a resume be? Does a resume have to be one page? Answer those questions and more with this guide to...


Making notes on a resume

Wondering what a good resume looks like? Learn about basic resume guidelines and how spacing, font, emphasis, and...


Woman taking notes, working on laptop

Learn how to tailor your resume for a job from the experts at iHire. Updating your resume with these three tips will...


job seeker at an interview while the employer reviews her resume keywords

Do you know which terms to use on your resume? Unsure where to find industry keywords? We’ve identified 3 resume...


Job seekers with resume portfolio smiling at camera

What is a functional resume? Depending on your job search situation, the functional/value-based resume might be the...


woman at her desk looking at a typo in her resume on the computer

Are you making these avoidable resume mistakes? Review this list of common resume typos to ensure (not “insure”)...


Showing 61 to 80 of 99 results