ihire ask an hr pro what is flex time

Ask an HR Pro: What Is Flex Time?

In our 2024 Talent Retention Report, 54.7% of candidates said an employer would be more likely to retain them if they offered flex time as a type of workplace flexibility – this was the top selection, followed by a four-day workweek and hybrid work.

But what is flex time, and how can flexible work arrangements benefit not just your employees but also your organization as a whole?

Get the scoop from iHire’s Principal HR Business Partner, Chrisanne Bowden.


What Does Flex Time Mean?

“Flex time typically refers to the ability for your employees to vary when they start and end their workdays,” Bowden said. “Instead of working a strict nine-to-five schedule, for example, they may start their day earlier or later based on what works best for them.”

For example, a parent with young children may start their workday earlier to meet their kids off the bus or take an extended lunch break to take a child from pre-k to afternoon childcare. Or, someone who doesn’t thrive in the early morning hours may choose to plug in later in the day.

“Flex time could also allow your employees to adjust their workday schedules as needed to accommodate personal appointments or conflicts as they arise. Let’s say you have a team member who wants to leave a few hours early on a Friday to catch a flight or run errands,” Bowden continued. “With a flexible work arrangement, they could ‘flex’ that time by working extra hours earlier in the week instead of using PTO.”


How Does Flex Time Work?

How flex time works will depend on the nature of your business and what makes the most sense for your teams – and even that may vary from department to department.

“First, communicate to your employees how many hours they are expected to work each week. In most companies, that would be 40 hours for a full-time employee. With flex time, your team members can decide when they work those 40 hours, to a certain extent. You don’t want collaboration to suffer,” Bowden said.

For example, for highly collaborative departments, you wouldn’t want one team member working four 10-hour days from Thursday to Sunday if the rest of their colleagues work Monday through Friday.

“Everyone within a team or department needs to align on when they need to be available for meetings and real-time interactions. Shared calendars can help keep everyone on the same page. And, of course, make sure you have a clearly defined policy in place regarding flex time in your employee handbook,” added Bowden.


Benefits of Flexibility in the Workplace

“Allowing your employees to flex their hours is a great way to show you trust them and care about their work-life balance,” Bowden explained. “Being known as an organization that offers flexibility also enhances your employer brand, which plays a huge role in your ability to hire and retain talent.”

Flexible workplaces help your employees:

  • Avoid burnout and resenteeism
  • Create a schedule that empowers them to do their best work
  • Achieve workplace wellness and satisfaction
  • Become a brand ambassador for your organization

All these benefits are good for your bottom line.


Get More Advice on Flexible Work Arrangements

Check out our library of Ask an HR Pro articles for additional guidance on workplace flexibility, or schedule a free consultation with Bowden or another member of our Outsourced HR Services team. They can provide personalized advice on how to implement flex time within your organization, update your employee handbook, and more.

Natalie Winzer profile picture
by: Natalie Winzer
Originally Published: November 21, 2024

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